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One Billion Coalition for Resilience

The One Billion Coalition for Resilience (1BC) is an unprecedented commitment from individuals, communities, organizations, business and governments to mobilize the potential of our collective networks, our ability to work at scale, and to coordinate our shared resources, working toward a world where people are safer, healthier and can thrive, even in the face of adversity.


Working together in global, national and local coalitions, we can support the ability of individuals, communities, organizations and countries to anticipate, prepare for and reduce the impact of disasters, crises and underlying vulnerabilities. The affect of this will ensure people are better able to cope with and recover from the effects of shocks and stresses, minimizing the impact on their long-term well-being.


The 1BC invites everyone to be agents of change to create a more resilient world. It is an opportunity to build on, strengthen and expand existing networks and initiatives for community resilience. Partners forming local and national coalition will shape the initiative to suit their local circumstances, by implementing practical initiatives. Under the 1BC they will be connected to a global coalition driving greater access to tool, and expertise at the local level.


Guides Related to 1BC

Building City Coalitions for Community Resilience is a tool that provides lead organisation representatives with a simple guide to enable the development of urban platforms that will work to build community and urban resilience.

Handbook: Building City Coalitions

The Resilient Communities Handbook: Towards One Billion Actions is intended for the use of local implementers and provides a simple step-by-step process on how to launch a community resilience initiative. This handbook is not meant to be a “one size fit all” approach. On the contrary, every initiative is tailored to the context where it is implemented. Having said this, any Community Resilience intervention must always be based on four essential factors: it should be context-driven, multi-sectoral, locally sourced and people-centered.

Resilient Communities Handbook

The urban community resilience toolbox includes three connected and complementary toolkits to help urban communities identify their resilience priorities and design sustainable and scalable solutions together with a diverse set of partners: City-wide Resilience AssessmentBuilding Coalitions for Urban Resilience, and Designing Solutions for Urban Community Resilience. These toolkits are developed and tested with the Red Cross National Societies of Indonesia, Vanuatu, and Myanmar with funding support from the USAID under the Coastal Cities Resilience program.

Urban Community Resilience Toolkit

Supporting local actors to undertake urban resilience activities in their urban communities can be a powerful way to build social cohesion, improve livelihoods, and make cities more livable. The Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and partners have developed an Urban Action Kit to do just this.  The Urban Action Kit is a quick start, low-cost, do-it-yourself guide to urban resilience.

Urban Action Kit

Here are a few ideas on actions you can take to protect safety, health, and well-being of yourself and those around you.

Local Action

Source: Global Disaster Preparedness Center

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The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world's largest humanitarian organization, with 191 member National Societies. As part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, our work is guided by seven fundamental principles; humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.

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